Sunday M.A.S.S. for May

At our Zombie Jesus Birthday Brunch a motion was raised, voted on, and unanimously passed. As a result, you can now count on having something worth getting out of bed for on the first Sunday of every month.

Our first official Sunday M.A.S.S. will be held at Finnegan's Restaurant, at 10am, Sunday May 3rd at 700 E. Broadway. That's the place built over the river, next door to McDonald's.

At our last Science Outing, Jon's Buddy Christ Bobblehead was taken up by the rapture (or by whomever found him sitting alone on the table after we left), so you'll have to look for Jon wearing his Zombie Jesus T-shirt. We'll also try to have a sign that says "M.A.S.S." on the table for the new people who don't know who to look for.

We hope to see you there!

The Missoula Area Secular Society is a loose knit group of Missoula, Montana area atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers, rationalists, pastafarians, non-theists, teapot agnostics, post-theists, empiricists and other citizens unencumbered by superstition who enjoy socializing with other like minded Missoulians.

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