Sunday Brunch at Finnegan's

Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for August occurs on the 2th.

Once again we will meet at Finnegan's Restaurant at 10am. Jon may be leaving us early for Alaska so I, Traci, will attempt to fulfill my first duties as VP and lead Sunday Brunch this month. If you are looking for us, I will bring along a Watson (as in Watson and Crick) Bobblehead to put on the table so be on the lookout for that.

There has been mention of possibly meeting somewhere else for our next Sunday Brunch. I thought Sunday would be a great time to figure out another tasty breakfast place where we might like to meet.

Flickr Group

M.A.S.S. now has a group on Flickr to show off photos from our events and activities. The first set of pictures are from our "Happy Heathens on the Hiawatha" event (organized by Dan and Traci, yayyy Dan and Traci!).

If you're a member of M.A.S.S. come join the Flickr group, especially if you have photos from past M.A.S.S. events to share.

Happy Heathens on the Hiawatha

Traci and Dan are organizing a M.A.S.S. bicycle trip down the Hiawatha. So, grab your bike, bicycle helmet, and working head lamp (charge those batteries, you'll need it!) and meet us at the NW corner of the Super Walmart Parking Lot at 8am sharp on Sunday, July 19th. Look for a green Subaru Outback with Science Rocket and Flying Spaghetti Monster car emblems.

Drivers with vehicles capable of hauling lots of people and/or bikes extra welcome. Gas money donations to the drivers of your bike and your self are encouraged.

We'll get our tickets for the trail ($9) and the shuttle bus ($9) back to our cars at Lookout Pass.

Things to NOT forget:
  • Bicycle
  • Helmet
  • Light
  • $18 for trail and shuttle passes.
  • Your Lunch.
  • Gas money donations as appropriate.

For more information of the Route of the Hiawatha bike trail, see...

See you there!

M.A.S.S. 1 Year Anniversary and Board Elected!

On July 10th 2008, four people (Jon Garvin, Dan Bowling, Traci Brown and Jeff Piotrowski) met face to face in the large meeting room downstairs at the Missoula Public Library for the first time as the Missoula Area Secular Society. Their goal was to provide Missoula's "closeted" atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, and other free-thinkers with a friendly community and activities at which to meet fellow like minded Missoulians for networking, socializing, and friendship.... or something like that.

Nearly one year later The Society's facebook group has over 120 members and up to 10 or more people are organizing and regularly showing up to multiple activities per month. On July 5th, 2009, during Sunday M.A.S.S. brunch, the next step in The Society's evolutionary path took place. Four people were elected by consent as the Missoula Area Secular Society's very first board of directors.

President: Jon Garvin
Vice President: Traci Brown
Treasurer: Gina Simunovich
Secretary: Russ Thayer

This is the first step towards our getting registered as an official non-profit organization. There are several more steps to go, but now that we have a board those should go pretty smoothly. Thanks to everyone for your support and generosity. Here's to another amazing year for M.A.S.S.