First Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for 2010

Is it 2010 already? Come join the Missoula Area Secular Society for Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch to celebrate the end of yet another silly "War on Solstice" and the start of what we hope is a wonderful new year for everyone.

When: Sunday, January 3rd, 10am
Where: 4951 N. Reserve St, The Stone of Accord Meeting Room (tell the host(ess) you're with the group in the "meeting room" if you don't know where to go).

Feel free to RSVP on Facebook (not required).

("Happy New Year" photo by Carl Jones)

Snowshoeing on Friday

For anyone looking for something secular to do on Friday, M.A.S.S. will be doing an informal snowshoe hike on Lolo Pass.

If you're interested, meet at the north west corner of the Super Wallmart parking lot at Reserve & Mullan at Noon on Friday, December 25th. We'll carpool to Lolo Pass from there.

If you don't have your own, snowshoes can be rented from many of the local outdoor sports retailers. Be sure to dress warm and pack water and snacks.

RSVP on Facebook.

(Photo by selihpxe8)

2009 Winter Solstice Celebration

The days have been getting shorter and shorter, and the nights longer and longer, but that's almost over.

Come brave the cold and help us coax the sun back to this hemisphere and celebrate the longer days to come.

When: Sunday, December 20th, Noon-1pm, or later
Where: Council Grove State Park (take Mullan Road from Reserve St West for approx 6 miles. Turn left at sign for the park.)

A BBQ will be available (assuming we can get it fired up), so bring something to put on the grill.

Our annual snow sculpting event is being moved to January when we'll hopefully have more of the stuff available to sculpt. But if there's some snow on the ground on Sunday, we'll may do a little practicing, or maybe just divide up into teams and throw it at each other.

"Sunset ice sculptures" photo by Mark K.

Bozeman Freethinkers

Last Saturday evening we got a message on our M.A.S.S. voice mail line (406-646-MASS). It was Dylan from the Bozeman Freethinkers calling. He and some other members of that group were going to be in Missoula on Sunday and wanted to know if we'd like to meet up to chat.

I quickly called him back, we setup a time and place, and then I sent out a message to all of our regular event attendees. Then, about 20 hours after Dylan's message there were 12 of us all crowded around a couple tables at Break Espresso talking and laughing and sharing ideas.

The Bozeman Freethinkers are a rebirth of the Southwest Montana Freethinkers (a group that fell by the wayside when their leader moved away). The new leaders seem well organized and off to a great start. We all had a lot of fun meeting with them and are looking forward to our next meeting. In fact, there is already talk of a possible joint camping trip with the two groups sometime next summer.

Next time you're in the Bozeman area, check if they have any events scheduled and go join them, or if not, let them know you're coming and maybe they'll organize something informal. That goes as well for anyone traveling to Missoula from elsewhere in Montana, or Earth for that matter. If you're a non-theist heading our way, send an email or call our voicemail line to let us know you're coming. An impromptu meeting at a local bar or coffee shop is never out of the question. Just try to give us more than 20 hours notice if possible.

Final Sunday M.A.S.S. of 2009

The Season of Reason is upon us once again and the last days of the Gregorian calendar are quickly approaching. What better way can there be to observe this spectacle than to join some of your fellow non-theists for a late breakfast, or an early lunch, or ... let's just call it Sunday M.A.S.S.

Where: The Stone of Accord, 4951 N Reserve St. (in the "meeting room")
When: Sunday, December 6th, 10am

Just tell the host(ess) that you're with the group in the meeting room and they'll get you to the right spot.

There are also a few other dates to keep open in December to join us for other activities.

Monday, December 21st is the Winter Solstice for 2009 (the day when the sun reaches it's most southerly declination, and thus, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere). To celebrate the days starting to get longer again, the Missoula Area Secular Society will be having their 2nd Annual Snow Sculpting event on Sunday, December 20th. Further details will be posted when the day gets closer but it won't hurt to start planning your arsenal of tools now (shovels, buckets, toboggan sleds, spray bottles, koolaid, etc).

On December 19th (the night before our Solstice Event), a bunch of Missoulians will be carousing the bar scene downtown dressed in Santa costumes and singing vulgar carols demanding free drinks. This is not organized by, or in any way associated with M.A.S.S. However, it may still be something that some of our members may want to either participate (or spectate) in. Full details can be found at the event's Facebook page. If you go, don't stay out so late that you miss the Snow Sculpting on Sunday!

We will possibly have a bar hoping event of our own on the afternoon of the 24th.

And lastly, there are some other dates of interest in December that we have no official events scheduled to observe. If you'd be interested in organizing something for us for any of these (or any other day for that matter), please get in touch with Jon ASAP. Anniversary of the Kitzmiller vs. Dover Decision (December 20th) (maybe meet for dinner and drinks downtown after snow sculpting?). Festivus (December 23rd), Human Light (December 23rd), Kwanzaa (December 26th), Anniversary of the departure of HMS Beagle on her historic voyage (December 27th).

As always, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Twitter for small announcements and last minute updates on event locations.

Now Accepting Online Donations

The Missoula Area Secular Society is now able to accept online donations.

We are still awaiting our final 501(c)(3) approval from the IRS, but our attorney (who specializes in this sort of thing) is confidant that everything will go through fine, just at the agonizing pace of bureaucracy.

If you intend to deduct your donation from your taxes, you should check with your accountant first. According to our attorney, the IRS usually allows deductions made in good faith to pending non-profits who have filed their paperwork, such as us. Never-the-less, check with your accountant.

If you'd like to make a donation, simply click the link below. If you don't have a paypal account you can click the "continue" link in the lower left corner of the donation form to continue to securely enter your credit card information (they intentionally make it hard to find, so look close).

You will also be given the opportunity to include a note with your donation. If you'd like to request that your donation be applied toward a specific purpose, please indicate so in the note and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.

Voting Membership Dues

The M.A.S.S. Board of Directors have voted to establish membership dues of $20/year. It should be noted however, that most of our events will continue to be free and open to the public. The $20 buys you a warm fuzzy feeling and a the right to vote for directors at each October's annual meeting and on any other issues that directors put to the members for a vote.

Funds raised from membership dues and donations will be applied toward furthering our mission "to foster a community of non-theistic individuals by providing opportunities for socializing, networking, and friendship." This will initially consist primarily of getting the word out about us to more potential members in the form of advertising (think local Billboards and Bus Ads, or whatever we can manage).

However, if given the choice of having either your money or your smiling face at our events, we choose your face without hesitation.

If you've previously donated to M.A.S.S., your donation has been applied to the membership dues for this year with our heart felt thanks.

Anybody wishing to donate or become a voting member may do so by bringing a check made out to "Missoula Area Secular Society" to any of our events. If Gina, our Treasurer, is not available then you can give the check to any of our other directors to pass on to her. Soon we'll have a donate button available on the website as well and should eventually have a post office box that checks can be mailed to.

Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Member Meeting and Board Meeting Minutes

7:00 pm
October 22, 2009
Small Meeting Room at Missoula Public Library

Members Present:

Jon Garvin
Traci Brown
Russell Thayer
Martha Thayer
Milo Coladonato
Gina Simunovich
Jennifer Knell

Jon Garvin opens the meeting by clarifying the difference between “Officers” and “Board of Directors” and how the election of “Board Members” and subsequent election of “Officers” to various positions by elected “Board Members” is to be undertaken based on the Missoula Area Secular Society “Bylaws”.

Nomination of “Members” for “Board of Directors” takes place.

Nominated are:

Jon Garvin
Russell Thayer
Milo Coladonato
Traci Brown
Gina Simunovich

Nominations are seconded.

Staggered length of terms are to be determined by a draw. Strips of paper with the numbers, 1, 2, & 3 are put into a rainbow-colored hat, the numbers representing the length of term for each elected “Board Member”.


Traci Brown: 3 years
Jon Garvin: 2 years
Russell Thayer: 2 years
Gina Simunovich: 1 year
Milo Coladonato: 1 year
Discussion follows regarding the setting up of a PayPal account at website to facilitate donations and the eventual selling of product. Conclusion is that it will be undertaken.

Discussion follows regarding the proposed cost of membership being too high at $50. No final decision on membership fee is determined.

Discussion follows regarding the setting up of M.A.S.S. knitting group. First meeting is to be held Sunday, November 15.

Discussion follows regarding various donations.

Meeting is adjourned after 25 minutes. “Board Members” move to Old Post to participate in “Board Meeting” over beer and food.

“Board Meeting” begins at approximately 8 pm.

Jon Garvin nominates Gina, Traci, and Russell to continue in current roles on “Board of Directors”. Russell nominates Jon to continue in his current role. Motions are carried. Length of term for “Officers” is one year.


Jon Garvin, President
Traci Brown, Vice President
Russell Thayer, Secretary
Gina Simunovich, Treasurer
Milo Coladonato, Member at Large

Meeting adjourned after 5 minutes.

Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for November

The First Sunday of the month is fast approaching.

Due to the fact that we've also got a Halloween Pub Crawl going on the night before, it was requested that "brunch" be moved to later in the day to give people more time to get the zombie/pirate/spaghetti monster makeup off their faces and the cobwebs out of their heads. So, this month, "brunch" will be at 2:00PM. Also remember that Daylight Savings Time switches on Sunday, so if you forget to change your clocks, you'll be showing up to brunch an hour early!

Also, our regular Sunday M.A.S.S. attendees have grown in number enough that we've started to give the restaurant hostesses a heart attack when we say how many people we're expecting, and then how unsure we are of exactly how many it will actually be (they seem to prefer exact numbers in the single digits). Finding a place that has room for us, is flexible, and takes reservations has been difficult, but we may have found a good home.

So, this Sunday we'll be in the "meeting room" at The Stone of Accord (that's the new Sean Kelly's on Reserve St. near the Interstate). When you come in the door, just tell the host(ess) you're with the group in the meeting room, and they'll help you find us. If this works out, then we'll probably make this a permanent location for future brunches (which will move back to their regular time slot in December).

A M.A.S.S. Knitting Club is also forming. Come to Sunday Brunch to meet some of the other Knitters and find out more details.

We hope to see you Saturday night for Halloween and/or Sunday afternoon for "brunch".


The Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is a (soon to be) 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization for atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, and all other non-theistic Missoulians to meet, socialize, and grow with other like minded individuals. "We Believe In You!"

Above Image (c)capturethefilm

M.A.S.S. Knitting Club / Winter Camping Trip

As is expected to happen when you get a bunch of like minded individuals together for socializing, many of them tend to discover other common interests. Such has happened with us and a M.A.S.S. Knitting Club is now forming. Naturally, all genders are welcome. The only requirement is an interest in knitting. For more information, contact our VP,

There are also rumors of a possible "M.A.S.S. Welding Club" forming in response to the knitting club (beer drinking may be substituted for actual welding at club meetings). Further information on this will be posted as it becomes available.

A winter hike into a forest service cabin is also being coordinated. Space will be very limited on this event, and preference will likely be given to those who regularly attend other events, so... we'll see you at the Halloween Pub Crawl and/or Sunday Brunch next weekend!

New Board Member!

Our first annual members meeting was a big success. All existing board members were re-elected and we added one more. Our newest board member is Milo Coladonato. Milo is also on the board of directors for Footloose Montana and brings a wealth of experience and fund raising ideas to M.A.S.S. We are extremely excited to have him on board.

The first board meeting after the members meeting was held at the Old Post. At that time the officer positions were voted on, and all the existing officers retained their positions. So, our new directors and officers are...

  • Jon Garvin, President
  • Traci Brown, Vice-President
  • Gina Simunovich, Treasurer
  • Russell Thayer, Secretary
  • Milo Coladonato, Board Member At Large
The official minutes of the meeting will be posted to the blog as soon as Russ sends them to me.

1st Annual M.A.S.S. Members Business Meeting

In July, members of the Missoula Area Secular Society elected their very first board of directors and instructed them to turn M.A.S.S. into a legal non-profit organization.

Since then an attorney has volunteered his expertise, Articles of Incorporation have been drafted and approved, Bylaws have been drafted and approved, both have been filed with the Secretary of State, and the forms for filing with the IRS are being finalized.

Our new bylaws call for an annual meeting of the members in October for the purpose of electing directors. So, on Thursday, October 22nd, we'll (re)elect a new set of 5 directors (one more than we have now), and kick off the staggered 3 year terms for those directors that our bylaws call for. Members must be present at the meeting to make nominations and vote.

We'll be meeting in the "small conference room" at the Missoula Public Library at 7:00pm. Come in the lower level entrance off of Front St. The small meeting room is in the hallway next to the computer room.

We promise to keep things short so we don't take up your entire evening, so please arrive on time (or early) so that we can knock this out and adjourn. An impromptu post meeting social gathering/celebration at a nearby bar or restaurant wouldn't be surprising for those wishing to make a longer evening of it.

Feel free to R.S.V.P. on the Facebook group (not required). Having our Twitter updates sent directly to your cellphone is recommended for last minute updates and changes.

Sunday Brunch Moved to The Shack!

Alert Member Jen K. noticed that Dauphine's appears to have closed, so Sunday Brunch will be at The Shack this month.

222 W. Main St (about a block from Orange St.)
Sunday, October 4th, 9:30am.

Sunday Brunch at Dauphine's? NO.The Shack!

Is it the first Sunday of the month again, already? Yes, yes it is. So, once again the Missoula Area Secular Society will be descending upon a local eatery to eat their food and engage in friendly and enlightened conversation.

This month we'll meet at The Shack. (This is a change from our earlier announcement of meeting at Dauphine's, which alert member Jen K. noticed has closed.)

Where: 222 w. Main Set, about a block fromOrange St.
When: Sunday, October 4th, 9:30am

RSVP if you'd like on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for last minute updates (you can setup your twitter account to have our tweets sent directly to your phone).

Sunday Brunch at The Catalyst

We are going to switch things up and try having brunch at the Catalyst this month on Sunday the 6th of September. In order to ensure we all get to sit together I'm going to move brunch up to 9:30. We will be finalizing camping trip plans, so if you plan on going camping with us I would highly encourage you to come to brunch. We will also be discussing the possibility of getting t-shirts, and a logo for the group. Jon is off at burning man, so I (Traci) will be there with my Watson bobble head if you are looking for us. I look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday.

The Catalyst is located at 111 North Higgens Ave.

Sunday Brunch at Finnegan's

Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for August occurs on the 2th.

Once again we will meet at Finnegan's Restaurant at 10am. Jon may be leaving us early for Alaska so I, Traci, will attempt to fulfill my first duties as VP and lead Sunday Brunch this month. If you are looking for us, I will bring along a Watson (as in Watson and Crick) Bobblehead to put on the table so be on the lookout for that.

There has been mention of possibly meeting somewhere else for our next Sunday Brunch. I thought Sunday would be a great time to figure out another tasty breakfast place where we might like to meet.

Flickr Group

M.A.S.S. now has a group on Flickr to show off photos from our events and activities. The first set of pictures are from our "Happy Heathens on the Hiawatha" event (organized by Dan and Traci, yayyy Dan and Traci!).

If you're a member of M.A.S.S. come join the Flickr group, especially if you have photos from past M.A.S.S. events to share.

Happy Heathens on the Hiawatha

Traci and Dan are organizing a M.A.S.S. bicycle trip down the Hiawatha. So, grab your bike, bicycle helmet, and working head lamp (charge those batteries, you'll need it!) and meet us at the NW corner of the Super Walmart Parking Lot at 8am sharp on Sunday, July 19th. Look for a green Subaru Outback with Science Rocket and Flying Spaghetti Monster car emblems.

Drivers with vehicles capable of hauling lots of people and/or bikes extra welcome. Gas money donations to the drivers of your bike and your self are encouraged.

We'll get our tickets for the trail ($9) and the shuttle bus ($9) back to our cars at Lookout Pass.

Things to NOT forget:
  • Bicycle
  • Helmet
  • Light
  • $18 for trail and shuttle passes.
  • Your Lunch.
  • Gas money donations as appropriate.

For more information of the Route of the Hiawatha bike trail, see...

See you there!

M.A.S.S. 1 Year Anniversary and Board Elected!

On July 10th 2008, four people (Jon Garvin, Dan Bowling, Traci Brown and Jeff Piotrowski) met face to face in the large meeting room downstairs at the Missoula Public Library for the first time as the Missoula Area Secular Society. Their goal was to provide Missoula's "closeted" atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, and other free-thinkers with a friendly community and activities at which to meet fellow like minded Missoulians for networking, socializing, and friendship.... or something like that.

Nearly one year later The Society's facebook group has over 120 members and up to 10 or more people are organizing and regularly showing up to multiple activities per month. On July 5th, 2009, during Sunday M.A.S.S. brunch, the next step in The Society's evolutionary path took place. Four people were elected by consent as the Missoula Area Secular Society's very first board of directors.

President: Jon Garvin
Vice President: Traci Brown
Treasurer: Gina Simunovich
Secretary: Russ Thayer

This is the first step towards our getting registered as an official non-profit organization. There are several more steps to go, but now that we have a board those should go pretty smoothly. Thanks to everyone for your support and generosity. Here's to another amazing year for M.A.S.S.

Sunday M.A.S.S. Independence Brunch

Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for July occurs on the 5th.

Once again we'll meet at Finnegan's Restaurant at 10am. Getting an appropriate table has been hit and miss so far. We'll try for the one in the very back by the fire exit again but we might be somewhere else (as happened last month).

Jon will be wearing his black "Peekaboo!" Zombie Jesus t-shirt and we'll try to have a "M.A.S.S." sign visible on the table somewhere for those not sure who to look for.

In addition to the usual friendly conversations, joking, and scheming, we'll also be electing our first board of directors for our forthcoming 501(c)(3) status, so be sure to come and have your say (members must be present to vote).

Feel free to RSVP on the Facebook Group (not required), and we'll also try to post important last second details to our twitter feed.

Christian Law Students Group Claims Discrimination

There's an article in yesterday's Missoulian about a "Christian Students" group and the UM Law School that's claiming they're being discriminated against by the school for not recognizing them as an official group. Why are they not recognized as an official group? Because they discriminate. These are law students who apparently don't understand the definition of the words irony or hipocrisy.

A group of Christian law students seeking to exclude homosexuals from its ranks at the University of Montana is appealing a federal judge's ruling that upholds UM's decision not to recognize the group as a registered student organization.

The First Amendment case was brought in December 2007 when the local chapter of the Christian Legal Society sued the law school, arguing that UM violated its rights to free speech when the Student Bar Association refused to fund the society.

The Student Bar Association says it refused funding because the group's mission is at odds with a non-discrimination policy requiring student groups to be “open to all members of the school of law.”

The Christian Legal Society, a national faith-based organization, requires members of its individual chapters to sign a “statement of faith” pledging to uphold “sexual morality standards.” Those standards ban homosexuality, adultery and extramarital sex.

Filed in U.S. District Court in Missoula, the lawsuit names UM Law Dean Edwin Eck, Student Affairs Director Margaret Tonon and the executive board of UM's Student Bar Association as defendants.

Last month, U.S. District Judge Richard Cebull ruled that UM's Law School did not violate the rights of the Christian Legal Society when it refused to recognize the group as an official student organization.

All students enrolled in the School of Law automatically become members of the Student Bar Association and pay mandatory student activity fees. The Student Bar Association then determines funding to student law groups.

Last Friday, the Christian Legal Society filed notice that it would appeal Cebull's decision with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Briefs in support of the appeal must be filed by July 28.

According to the suit, the Christian Legal Society encourages Christian law students to grow in their faith as they learn the law. To protect the Christian message, the organization says it requires all voting members and leaders to agree with the statement of faith.

“Christian student groups shouldn't be discriminated against for their beliefs. All student groups have the right to associate with people of like mind and interest,” CLS attorney Casey Mattox said in a statement. “For example, the Environmental Law Group at UM seeks to promote certain views of global warming. Should it be forced to accept members and officers who hold to views that undermine the group's purpose? Similarly, religious groups should be allowed to select officers and voting members from those who share their views to ensure that their message and whole reason for being is not lost.”

Sunday M.A.S.S. for June

It's time once again for that raucous affair known worldwide as "Sunday Brunch with the Missoula Area Secular Society."

We'll be meeting again at Finnegan's Restaurant at 10am, June 7th. Come on down to share some great conversation with bunch of heathens and infidels, and help us sacrifice a chicken ovum or two to appease our ravenous bellies.

We'll try to get the big table in the very back by the fire exit again (turn right as you come in the front door, then veer left toward the back).

As usual, RSVP (if you wish) on Facebook, and for last minute updates, follow us on Twitter and have our updates sent directly to your phone.

Prose and Pabulum

Once again, the Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is getting together for a little evening sustenance and small talk.

When: Saturday, May30th, 5:30pm
Where: The Montana Club on North Reserve (NOT the one on Brooks).

After the meal we'll figure out where in the building Sam Singleton (Atheist Evangelist) will be doing his show "Patriarchs and Penises". Shouldn't be too hard to find.

If you haven't gotten your ticket to Sam's show yet, do so now! (<- click that link... do it!). If you'd prefer to just go to the show and skip M.A.S.S., by all means do (our hurt feelings will recover). The show starts promptly at 7:00pm.

If you're coming to dinner and not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his Sam Singleton t-shirt (black with red lettering on the front). If Jon notices you trying to read his shirt, expect a big friendly smile. We'll also be sure to twitter important details of where we're sitting, so setup your phone to automatically get our tweets.

Time/Location Change for Diner/Movie Night

Joni pointed out that the Uptown Diner closes at 3pm every day. Apparently they're about as interested in the IWFF Diner crowd as Food for Thought was in the Easter Brunch crowd. Oh, well. It's not as if there's a shortage of alternate locations to spend our money at.

Therefore, we'll be meeting next door, at the Pita Pit. Also, since service there should be much faster, we'll wait until 6:30 to meet. See you all then. Sorry for any confusion.

Diner before Darwin / Movie Night

This is the second of three events in the busy month of May for the Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.).

Join us for Diner at the Pita Pit on May 15th, before we wander over to The Wilma for the International Wildlife Film Festival's double feature evening presentation of multi-award winning films, the second of which is "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life" by the BBC and featuring David Attenborough.

We'll start out meeting at the Pita Pit at 6:30pm for diner, then migrate over to the Wilma at about 7:00 for the 7:30 start time. If you can't make it to diner, be sure to catch up with us before we go into the theater.

If you're not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his "DARWIN08" Campaign Shirt. We'll also be twittering details of where we're sitting and when we're moving down the street, so have our tweets sent to your phone for up to the second alerts about how to find us.

Also, don't forget to RSVP on the Facebook Event Page (not required!), and join the Facebook Group if you haven't already.

Happy National Day of Reason Everyone!

Many who value the separation of religion and government have sought an appropriate response to the federally-supported National Day of Prayer, an annual abuse of the constitution. Nontheistic Americans (including freethinkers, humanists, atheists, agnostics, and deists), along with many traditionally religious allies, view such government-sanctioned sectarianism as unduly exclusionary.

A consortium of leaders from within the community of reason endorsed the idea of a National Day of Reason. This observance is held in parallel with the National Day of Prayer, on the first Thursday in May each year (May 7th in 2009). The goal of this effort is to celebrate reason—a concept all Americans can support—and to raise public awareness about the persistent threat to religious liberty posed by government intrusion into the private sphere of worship.

The Day of Reason also exists to inspire the secular community to be visible and active on this day to set the right example for how to effect positive change. Local organizations might use "Day of Reason" to label their events, or they might choose labels such as Day of Action, Day of Service, or Rational Day of Care. The important message is to provide a positive, useful, constitutional alternative to the exclusionary National Day of Prayer.

Brunch and Multiple Upcoming Events

We had a great brunch today at Finnegan's, and it looks as if that may be the de facto location for our monthly Sunday M.A.S.S. events for the foreseeable future.

We were extremely happy and honored to have Brother Sam Singleton make a not so surprise visit to join us for brunch today. (I admit it, I knew ahead of time.) Our M.A.S.S. gatherings are always fun, but they're even more so whenever Brother Sam makes the long trip in from Dodge City, or wherever it is that the stagecoach picks him up, to join us. Thanks Brother Sam!

There's lots of events coming up, so let me give you a brief description so you can start making plans.

First, mark your calendar for the evening of Friday, May 15th. The International Wildlife Film Festival will be screening "Darwin and the Tree of Life" along with "Green" at 7:30. Both films won multiple awards for this year's festival so this should be a great evening. We'll probably try to gather somewhere downtown before hand for a quick dinner before walking over to the Wilma at 7:00 to get into the show.

Second, have you heard of Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist? (I may have mentioned him before). He'll be doing a special Missoula performance of "Patriarchs and Penises, A Comedy in Two Acts" on Saturday, May 30th at 7pm sharp at the Montana Club on North Reserve (not the one on Brooks). M.A.S.S. will almost certainly be meeting at the Montana Club before the show for dinner, so feel free to join us, or just come to the show. Tickets for the show are $10 in advance from or $12 cash at the door.

But wait. it doesn't end there. Rumors are still floating around about a camping trip and movie nights. Camping trip dates and locations are apparently being discussed by the camping committee, and investigations into the use of an actual mini-theater for movie nights are being conducted by the movie night committee. And of course, we are now meeting for "Sunday M.A.S.S." at Finnegan's on the first Sunday of every month (next one being June 7th).

We'll post further details on all of these events as they become available. Keep in the know by subscribing to the RSS feed for the blog, and/or joining the Facebook group, and/or following us on Twitter. Note that minor updates and alerts that aren't worthy of the blog or Facebook get posted to the Twitter account, including the occasional last minute (literally) changes to event locations. So, to stay in the know, make sure our twitter updates are being sent right to your phone.

Sunday M.A.S.S. for May

At our Zombie Jesus Birthday Brunch a motion was raised, voted on, and unanimously passed. As a result, you can now count on having something worth getting out of bed for on the first Sunday of every month.

Our first official Sunday M.A.S.S. will be held at Finnegan's Restaurant, at 10am, Sunday May 3rd at 700 E. Broadway. That's the place built over the river, next door to McDonald's.

At our last Science Outing, Jon's Buddy Christ Bobblehead was taken up by the rapture (or by whomever found him sitting alone on the table after we left), so you'll have to look for Jon wearing his Zombie Jesus T-shirt. We'll also try to have a sign that says "M.A.S.S." on the table for the new people who don't know who to look for.

We hope to see you there!

The Missoula Area Secular Society is a loose knit group of Missoula, Montana area atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers, rationalists, pastafarians, non-theists, teapot agnostics, post-theists, empiricists and other citizens unencumbered by superstition who enjoy socializing with other like minded Missoulians.

Preparation Fail

Let me start of with my profuse apologies to anyone who wasn't able to catch up with us in our last minute brunch revision this morning. It was entirely my fault for assuming that a restaurant known for it's brunch would be open on a holiday known for people wanting... brunch. Totally my bad for not calling and checking first.

Big huge thanks to Dan for quickly hunting down an alternate location on his bicycle and getting us on the long waiting list at The Shack. Despite the sudden change of plans we still had a great time and a great turn out for Zombie Jesus' Birthday.

More rumors circulated regarding a potential upcoming movie night, but nothing set in stone yet. There were also rumors of a possible camping trip being organized. We'll let you know when that's more official.

The big news, however, is that the brunch attendees voted and have officially decided to start meeing on a regular basis that's easier for people to schedule around. So, you can now mark down the first Sunday of every month for your Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch. The location is still up for discussion. There was a general preference for someplace relatively inexpensive, and Finnegan's was one suggestion. If you have any other suggestions or preferences, leave a comment below.

While standing outside Food For Thought making emergency phone calls and tweats, I was mildly amused at the number of people driving by who would slow down to park, realize Food For Thought was closed, and then speed off shaking their head in disgust and frusteration. There was certainly no shortage of people wanting to spend their money there this morning.

I would find it hard to believe that Food For Thought couldn't find enough employees willing to work on Easter morning, with it being a recession and all. So my only assumption (there I go again) can be that they closed simply because "It's Easter! Doesn't everyone close on Easter?". No, actually, they don't. The Shack was open and doing an awesome business. In fact, they had a 30-45 minute waiting list. I suspect the same was true for just about any other restaurant open this morning. So, Thanks Food For Thought! Thanks for doing your part to stimulate the economy. Thanks for giving your employees a chance to earn a little extra cash to pay their rent. Thanks for, well, nothing.

But a genuine thanks to those M.A.S.S.ers who came out to help celebrate. It was a great time, as usual.

M.A.S.S. Science Outing

Renowned Paleontologist Paul Sereno will be giving a lecture on Tuesday Evening about dinosaurs, giant crocodiles and ancient humans that inhabited the Sahara Desert.

From his bio on his website...

Discoverer of dinosaurs on five continents and leader of dozens of expeditions, Sereno's field work began in 1988 in the foothills of the Andes in Argentina, where his team discovered the first dinosaurs to roam the Earth - the predators Herrerasaurus and the primitive Eoraptor, the "dawn stealer." These expeditions revealed the most complete picture yet of the dawn of the dinosaur era, some 225 million years ago.

In the early 1990's Sereno's research shifted to the Sahara, and the search for Africa's lost world of dinosaurs. Expeditions to Niger and Morocco resulted in Sereno's team discovering and naming: Afrovenator, a new 27-foot-long meat-eater; skeletons of a 70-foot-long plant-eater he named Jobaria; a bizarre fish-eating dinosaur named Suchomimus, with huge claws and a sail on its back; and the 45-foot-long plant-eater Nigersaurus. Sereno and his team also discovered the most fleet-footed meat-eater, 30-foot-long Deltadromeus, and the skull of a huge, T. rex-sized meat-eater Carcharodontosaurus. Besides new and unusual dinosaurs, Sereno's team stumbled on the world's largest crocodile, the 40-foot-long Sarcosuchus, dubbed SuperCroc.

The lecture starts at 7:30 at the University of Montana North Underground Lecture Hall and is free and open to the public.

If you'd like to attend with other M.A.S.S.ers ... en masse, we'll be meeting at 6:00pm at Food for Thought for a quick dinner, and then heading over to the lecture hall at 7:00. If you don't want to do dinner but want to join us for the lecture, show up right before 7:00. Don't be late.

If you're not sure who to look for, Jon will dust off his "DARWIN 08" campaign t-shirt, and we'll have our Buddy Christ Bobblehead prominently visible on the table as well.

Happy Birthday Zombie Jesus!

The Missoula Area Secular Society cordially invites you to help us celebrate the birth of one of our favorite biblical characters, Zombie Jesus. Drop your basket of eggs, save your chocolate bunny ears for later and join the M.A.S.S. at Food for Thought (across Arthur from the UM Campus) for Sunday brunch.

When: Sunday, April 12th (AKA Easter) @ 10am
Where: Food For Thought, 540 Daly Ave. (Corner of Arthur and Daly by the UM Campus)
Why: Braaaaiiiins

If you're not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his "Peekaboo! Zombie Jesus Sees You" T-Shirt. If you have one, this will be a great chance to wear it. We'll also have a Buddy Christ Bobblehead prominently displayed on the table. If you have one, bring it along too. And of course, once we know exactly where we're sitting, we'll tweet the pertinent details, so make sure your twitter account is sending our updates to your phone.

We look forward to seeing you. And until then, here's a little something to tide you over.

Great Brunch! We're all a-twitter!

Excellent turnout for brunch this morning with a nice broad spectrum of age groups represented, including three new people. Yay!

About half the table spent most of the time talking about religion, and the other half about science and stuff. There was even a moment when a calculus textbook was whipped out to settle a debate. Thankfully, it wasn't used to beat anybody over the head.

Let's all give Martha a big virtual high five for organizing this event. There were hints of somebody else possibly organizing a movie night in the near future, but I won't out them until it's official and scheduled.

M.A.S.S. now has a presence on Twitter. If you're on Twitter, start following us. If not, get signed up so you can receive last minute updates right on your phone of where we'll be meeting up. Should be easier to find us in crowded places when we can pinpoint the exact table we're at.

Break for Brunch (Spring only comes once a year!)

Spring is almost here and it's been a while since M.A.S.S. got together, so to celebrate the Spring Equinox, member Martha Thayer has volunteered to get us all to gather downtown at Break Espresso.

Where: 432 N. Higgins
When 10:00 AM, Saturday, March 21st

If you're not sure who to look for, Martha says she'll be wearing a plaid shirt and she says Russ will have a bald head. And just in case that's not enough, we'll be sure to have a Buddy Christ Bobblehead prominently displayed on the table. ( )

So, don't be shy. Mosey on down and join us.

The Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is a loose knit group of Missoula, Montana area atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers, rationalists, pastafarians, non-theists, teapot agnostics, post-theists, empiricists and other citizens unencumbered by superstition who enjoy socializing with other like minded Missoulians.

M.A.S.S. Discovers "HMS Beagle" (The Drink)

Thanks to those M.A.S.S. members who came out tonight to help celebrate the 200th Birthday of Charles Darwin. The turnout was a little light (probably due, in part, to the late notice), but we had a good time anyway. The excuses given by some for not attending (ranging from children's recitals to studying for an organic chemistry exam) were all good and would have been approved by Charles himself.

We had a fun discussion on whether or not an interbreeding population of non-microscopic organisms could ever diverge into two distinct species. A potential scenario or two were suggested, but since none of the attendees were willing to claim expertise in the subject, the topic went unresolved.

We then migrated to the pool table and were eventually down to just Dan, Nick, and I plugging our quarters into the table playing "Survival of the Fittest" (aka "Cutthroat"). About that time a group of people sat down at a table near us and told the server they wanted to invent a drink named "The Beagle" in honor of Charles Darwin's Birthday. I searched for and quickly found an inopportune moment to butt into their conversation and ask if I heard right (which I did).

We ended up talking a few times and it turns out that one of them is actually a member of the M.A.S.S. Facebook group (Amy, I think?). I suggested their drink should actually be named "The HMS Beagle" which they didn't object to, and we talked more about the drink's evolutionary history.

Apparently, it's original form was part Captain Morgan's Rum, and part Liquid Ice. However, like any good drink honoring the discoverer of Natural Selection, it immedietly began to mutate and evolve. The particular mutation I tried included pinapple juice (very sweet, but good). The final verdict, as I understood, was that the drink's base pair is Captain Morgan's and Liquid Ice, but should then be selectively bred with other concoctions to fit your particular taste.

Maybe on November 24th (the 150th anniversary of the publication of "On The Origin of Species") we'll discover a Blue Footed Booby drink. I hear that it makes the drinker amusingly clumsy yet fills men with an overwhelming desire to do elaborate dances involving stomping their feet, looking at the sky, stretching their arms out, and flaunting their feet to the nearest female. Women who partake of the drink are said to find this behavior highly arousing..., or so I hear.

Happy Birthday Charles Darwin!

Charles Darwin turns 200 years old on Thursday, which seems like as good a reason as any to gather for drinks and dialog.

Who: You!
When: Thursday, Feb 12th, 7:00pm
Where: The Chicken Lounge (122 W. Alder. Go in the front or back door of Double Front Chicken, then go downstairs. If you go in the front door, walk part way through the dining room and the door to the stairs will be on your right. If you go in the back door, you can't miss the stairs.)
Why: To celebrate the birth of one of the most important scientists in history.

If you're new and not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his "DARWIN08" Campaign T-Shirt.


What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

Thanks to one of our newest M.A.S.S. members (Bill) for letting me know that any email sent to me at this domain wasn't getting through (and apparently hasn't been since mid November). It should be fixed now though. So, if anybody has tried sending anything (words of wisdom, well wishes, event ideas, death threats, etc) to, anytime since mid November, please go hunt it down in your sent mail box and send it again. Thanks.

Birds, Beer & Blasphemy

Now that we've all recovered from the Solstice Holiday celebrations (hopefully), it's about time we got together again to share some good conversation over good food and good beer.

This time, we'll meet at the Chicken Lounge. To get there, go downtown to Double Front Chicken (122 W. Alder) (you can also go in the back door off of Railroad street), then find the stairs and go down. A juke box and pool table are available to accept any coins you'd like to feed them.

If you're new or not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his Easter shirt, which should be hard to miss.

Missoulian Letter to the Editor

There's a wonderful letter to the editor in last Friday's Missoulian that I just noticed. What's even better is that (now that the Missoulian has finally enabled people to post comments on the website) all the comments (so far) to the letter are generally positive (by my standards). Since the Missoulian doesn't like to keep "news" around for more than a day or two, I'll post the full text of the letter and the responses as of today below to keep for posterity.

In 2005, a Bush-appointed judge brought the “intelligent design” movement to a halt - yet another case lost by creationists. Decidedly not an activist judge, John Jones wrote, “(t)his case came to us as the result of the activism of an ill-informed faction on the (Dover, Pa.) school board.”

“ ... (P)roponents of ID make a bedrock assumption which is utterly false ... that evolutionary theory is antithetical to ... religion.” On the contrary, “evolution represents good science, is overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community, and ... it in no way conflicts with ... the existence of a divine creator.” (Google Kitzmiller v. Dover for the complete text.)

Unwilling to make themselves knowledgeable about why the board’s actions were unconstitutional, good Christians sent death threats instead. Turning Christian against Christian, Pat Robertson tells Dover: “If there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God. You just rejected him from your city.”
Thoroughly contrived, fundamentalists maintain the debate by distortion and compulsory ignorance of what evolution is, or is not. And the Dover school district paid a huge price for it ($1 million). Yet, the ignorance doesn’t have to be.

One can begin with Humes’ “Monkey Girl,” a well-written overview of the Dover trial. But, additionally, this year is the 150th publication anniversary of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” and the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. The first edition of “Origin” is a great read.

I have read the Bible; you read “Origin.” If that is too intimidating, read Quammen’s “The Reluctant Mr. Darwin.” Even this month’s Scientific American is dedicated entirely to evolution: past, present and future.

Making one’s self better informed about the inanity of this endless debate - which has less to do with God than faulty ideology - may require some reading outside the box. But, after all, can more Dovers be the answer?

W. Bennington, Polson

Vrede wrote on Jan 9, 2009 9:00 AM:

" Darwinists argue that species evolve through the natural selection of populations with advantageous mutations.

Alternatively, creationists claim that some species could only have arisen through "intelligent design." This is the 'God is a Practical Joker Theory,' since she/he left so much evidence supporting natural evolution.

I agree that any opinion, no matter how lacking in evidence, should be presented in science classes. So, I demand that my own 'Theory of Stupid Design' be taught in our schools.

Evolution would never have led to the arrival of a species that destroys its own habitat, wrecks the climate and threatens mass extinction through nuclear irradiation. This contradicts evolution's tendency towards survival and would have already led to all species' elimination.

Further, "intelligent design" could not have resulted in humanity selecting as our leaders George Bush, Pat Robertson and some of the nation’s school boards. Nor could "intelligent design" have led to the most powerful nation on earth believing that, after 1,000 years of failure, a white, Christian occupation of Iraq would work this time.

It's just common sense to realize that our planetary situation could only arise if someone really dumb were calling the shots. It's too far-fetched to be an accident. "

Lucky wrote on Jan 9, 2009 9:24 AM:

" Nice try W., but you don't really expect the whackos to actually read books do you? As to your question "...can more Dovers be the answer?". It looks like the answer is a resounding Yes. Oklahoma is trying to pass the "Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act", designed to address "scientific controversies" like evolution and Mississippi wants another stupid textbook sticker. And of course there is also the Louisiana "Academic Freedom Act" which Bobby Jindal signed into law. So,I don't really see a lot of progress since Dover.

I would also add to your list "Evolution: What the Fossils Say & Why It Matters" by Don Prothero. To everybody else: Please gather all your friends, seek out and attend local Darwin Day (Feb. 12) events. At least try to get some facts before making stupid remarks. Vigilance! "

Mulligan wrote on Jan 9, 2009 4:55 PM:

" Amen, W. The "good" Christians don't practice what they preach very often. Instead of turning the other cheek, they'd rather kill those who disagree.

I like Vrede's Theory of Stupid Design, too. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

I'd add that people could Google Richard Dawkin's website and find out quite a bit about evolution science. "

Gene Johnson wrote on Jan 10, 2009 11:58 AM:

" Here's another easy-to-read thin book as an introduction: WHY DARWIN MATTERS: THE CASE AGAINST INTELLIGENT DESIGN by Michael Shermer (2006).

Lucky, I agree about getting more public awareness of the Feb 12 Darwin Day. In Oregon a skeptic group makes quite an educational day of it.

I would like to see several communities (certainly Polson) have monthly discussion get-togethers on this and related topics. And then occasional larger combined meetings for interested people. There are a lot of people in Montana who think like Mr. Bennington - but very few speak out or write letters. Too bad. By default, religion just goes on and on and on. Daniel Dennett's book, BREAKING THE SPELL, gives a compelling explanation of why religion sustains so well - great book...but not one theists would enjoy. It would make a fantastic "book club" discussion. Anyone interested? "

Way to go letter writer and commenters. The last writer makes a note of upcoming Darwin Day and refrences an Oregon Skeptic Group. He might be interested in learning that the local Missoula Skeptic Group is planning just such an event. Stay tuned, I'll link from here to anything I hear about it.