M.A.S.S. Movie Date: Oceans

UPDATE: We'll be going to "Creation" at The Wilma on Sunday, instead. Click here for the details.

This month's M.A.S.S. Movie date will be on the big screen at the Carmike 10 instead of at the library. Come join us for "Oceans" on Saturday, April 24th in the afternoon. The exact time will be posted here later in the week once the theater posts their matinée times for the show.

Meeting ahead of time for a quick lunch or afterwards for dinner is likely depending on the movie times. Details on that will be announced here later when the official time is posted.

And lastly, our Secretary will be celebrating his birthday that evening, and his son's very talented funk band (Kung Fu Kongress) will be playing at the Top Hat as well. So, we may drag this out into an extended multi-venue event. Stay tuned.

Join our Facebook Group and RSVP the event, or follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to the RSS feed to this website to get notified later in the week when all the details are settled and announced.

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