Event: Wanderers In The Sky

As you may already know, the second part of the Missoula Area Secular Society's mission is to "develop and/or promote programs focusing on secular ethics, science, history, and critical thinking for members, their children, and the public at large as alternatives to the supernatural interpretations of the human condition."

In accordance with that, we are very proud to host "Wanderers In The Sky", a presentation by Professor Diane Friend from the University of Montana Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.

The last two decades have seen a renaissance in astronomy as new technologies have opened exciting new windows into the universe. The last 15 years have been an especially exciting time for planetary science with the discovery of new worlds both within our own solar system and beyond. These new worlds have led scientists to rethink everything from the definition of the word “planet” to theories of planetary system formation and evolution over time.

This talk will start with ideas about what constitutes a planet in our own solar system and progress to a discussion of the amazing richness, variety, and abundance of planets we have found orbiting other, nearby stars.

When: Monday, February 1st, 7pm
Where: Missoula Public Library, Large Meeting Room (downstairs).

This event is free to the public and open to all ages. Please come out and give Diane a very warm welcome as the first professional educator to help us fulfill this challenging part of our mission. Bring a friend or two.

(Solar System Picture above (c) Jules Stoop)

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