Prose and Pabulum

Once again, the Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is getting together for a little evening sustenance and small talk.

When: Saturday, May30th, 5:30pm
Where: The Montana Club on North Reserve (NOT the one on Brooks).

After the meal we'll figure out where in the building Sam Singleton (Atheist Evangelist) will be doing his show "Patriarchs and Penises". Shouldn't be too hard to find.

If you haven't gotten your ticket to Sam's show yet, do so now! (<- click that link... do it!). If you'd prefer to just go to the show and skip M.A.S.S., by all means do (our hurt feelings will recover). The show starts promptly at 7:00pm.

If you're coming to dinner and not sure who to look for, Jon will be wearing his Sam Singleton t-shirt (black with red lettering on the front). If Jon notices you trying to read his shirt, expect a big friendly smile. We'll also be sure to twitter important details of where we're sitting, so setup your phone to automatically get our tweets.

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