M.A.S.S. Movie Date: COSMOS

COSMOS: A Personal Voyage is a thirteen-part television series written by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, and Steven Soter and first broadcast by PBS in 1980. As of 2009, it is the most widely watched PBS series in the world. It won an Emmy and a Peabody Award and has since been broadcast in more than 60 countries and seen by over 500 million people.

With special permission from Druyan-Sagan Associates, Inc., the Missoula Area Secular Society is proud to present two more episodes of COSMOS at the Missoula Public Library on Saturday, May 22nd, at 3:30pm.

Episode 2: "One Voice in the Cosmic Fuge"

Dr. Sagan's Cosmic Calendar makes the 15 billion year history of the universe understandable and frames the origin of the Earth and the evolution of life. We see the steps from microbes to humans. Our understanding of how life developed on Earth enables us to venture to other worlds for imaginative speculations on what forms life might take elsewhere in the Cosmos.

Episode 3: "The Harmony Of The Worlds"

Historical re-creation of the life and time of Johannes Kepler – the last scientific astrologer, the first modern astronomer, and the author of the first science fiction novel. Kepler provided the insight into how the moon and the planets move in their orbits and ultimately how to journey to them.

This event is free of charge and open to the public. Families are welcome.

When: Saturday, May 22nd, 3:30pm-5:30pm
Where: Missoula Public Library - Large Meeting Room (downstairs)

M.A.S.S. socializing at a downtown bar likely to occur after the show. Stick around after the lights go up and introduce yourself if you're interested.

Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch for May

Due to someone managing to reserve our usual room for the first Sunday in May before we did, our Sunday M.A.S.S. Brunch this month will be on the Second Sunday (that's the one coming up now).

Hopefully nobody went to the usual place last Sunday. I meant to post something ahead of time warning people, but time slipped away from me.

Anyway, it's on again, like butter on toast.

When: Sunday, May 9th, 10 AM
Where: Stone of Accord (in the Meeting Room) 4951 N. Reserve St

If you're not sure where to go, ask the host(ess) for directions. It's literally right around the corner after you come in the front door.

Next month we'll be back on the First Sunday, and measures have already been taken to try to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Photo (c) Alasam