Great Brunch! We're all a-twitter!

Excellent turnout for brunch this morning with a nice broad spectrum of age groups represented, including three new people. Yay!

About half the table spent most of the time talking about religion, and the other half about science and stuff. There was even a moment when a calculus textbook was whipped out to settle a debate. Thankfully, it wasn't used to beat anybody over the head.

Let's all give Martha a big virtual high five for organizing this event. There were hints of somebody else possibly organizing a movie night in the near future, but I won't out them until it's official and scheduled.

M.A.S.S. now has a presence on Twitter. If you're on Twitter, start following us. If not, get signed up so you can receive last minute updates right on your phone of where we'll be meeting up. Should be easier to find us in crowded places when we can pinpoint the exact table we're at.

Break for Brunch (Spring only comes once a year!)

Spring is almost here and it's been a while since M.A.S.S. got together, so to celebrate the Spring Equinox, member Martha Thayer has volunteered to get us all to gather downtown at Break Espresso.

Where: 432 N. Higgins
When 10:00 AM, Saturday, March 21st

If you're not sure who to look for, Martha says she'll be wearing a plaid shirt and she says Russ will have a bald head. And just in case that's not enough, we'll be sure to have a Buddy Christ Bobblehead prominently displayed on the table. ( )

So, don't be shy. Mosey on down and join us.

The Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is a loose knit group of Missoula, Montana area atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers, rationalists, pastafarians, non-theists, teapot agnostics, post-theists, empiricists and other citizens unencumbered by superstition who enjoy socializing with other like minded Missoulians.