Spring is almost here and it's been a while since M.A.S.S. got together, so to celebrate the Spring Equinox, member Martha Thayer has volunteered to get us all to gather downtown at Break Espresso.
Where: 432 N. Higgins
When 10:00 AM, Saturday, March 21st
If you're not sure who to look for, Martha says she'll be wearing a plaid shirt and she says Russ will have a bald head. And just in case that's not enough, we'll be sure to have a Buddy Christ Bobblehead prominently displayed on the table. (
http://jayandsilentbob.com/buchbo.html )
So, don't be shy. Mosey on down and join us.
The Missoula Area Secular Society (M.A.S.S.) is a loose knit group of Missoula, Montana area atheists, secular humanists, agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers, rationalists, pastafarians, non-theists, teapot agnostics, post-theists, empiricists and other citizens unencumbered by superstition who enjoy socializing with other like minded Missoulians.