Atheist Evangelist Sam Singleton of "Patriarchs and Penises ~ A Comedy in Two Acts" will be passing through Missoula setting up tour dates for his show and is looking for some friendly local faces to meet and converse with while he's here.
So, to celebrate the Earth's 6004th Birthday (give or take 4,540,000,000 years) and to show Brother Sam some good old Western Montana godless hospitality, come on down to Sean Kelly's on Friday at 6:00pm and wander to the back.
If you're not sure who to look for, Jon will once again be wearing his "DARWIN 08" campaign shirt, desperately trying to milk it for all it's worth between now and Nov. 4th.
The Darkest Dark
We fall down the looking glass with Sönke Johnsen, a biologist who finds
himself staring at one of the darkest things on the planet. So dark, it’s
11 hours ago